Friday, October 2, 2009

I Did It

Passed my last test, doing a lot better with tables and talking to the guests.
I had a meeting at University of Houston with the undergraduate advisor for the degree I'm wanting. I'm super excited and I really want to go for this and accomplish it! They have loads of internships to Australia and New Zealand - I can't believe it. Also, I'm totally getting set up to move to Houston. This job at Eccell pretty much gaurantees me a good job when I go to school. I'll be able to live on my own, hopefully on campus and have plenty of money to not feel stressed about cost of iving while I work on school.

But for now I will take a Winter semester class at Blinn and go to Blinn in the Spring as well. The plan is to transfer to UH next Fall. So, hopefully, this time next year I'll be living in Houston! I think it's going to be amazing and I keep realizing I'm not behind in life, like I used to think. It's taken all these things and all these experiences to get me to this point. God uses everything to get us where we're meant t be so I'm not going to complain anymore or say I'm old anymore or say I'm behind. I AM EXACTLY WHERE I'M SUPPOSED TO BE.

I'm so happy. I know life is going to be amazing. And I know I won't always be alone, either.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


So, I've begun a new job - Eccell Steakhouse. I'm a server and it's very intimidating; the memorization is tough. Right now I am learning which wines we offer by the glass. There are 31 and I have to know the name of th producer, the varietal and where it's from! That is so much information.

Kenwood - California

St. M - Germany

Pinot Grigio:
Colterenzio - Italy
Lagaria - Italy

Sauvignon Blanc:
Hall - California
Hess - California

Geode (pronounced JEE-ODE) - Santa Barbara County, California
Hess Su'skol - California

Those are the ones I have memorized so far. :D

Sunday, May 24, 2009

May Update

"I am my Beloved’s and He is mine
So come into Your garden and take delight in me,
take delight in me!!!"

I am so THANKFUL to God for teaching me who I am in Him. He's set me free and I am going to live joyfully knowing that everything was planned from the beginning - He is sovereign. And there are NO if's in life. NO SUCH THING.

I am a flower, growing and blooming and turning out beautifully.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

500.00 - 318.30 = 181.70.

I'm almost there!

I'm getting my money and budget in order. I LOVE Financial Peace University. God is so nice!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


The stars seem close tonight

Closer than my neighbors

Closer than the town

Five miles down the road.

Snowshoeing at night

In winter woods

The way lit by moonlight.

Down to the beaver flow

Down to the gurgle where black water

Forces its way up through clear ice.

To listen for a few minutes

To the winter woods

There is nothing much to hear.

Maybe I go so that

When I return to cabin and woodstove

I appreciate them more.

It is so still out here

So still, so quiet, so white, so blue.

I am growing and moving on in life. I am becoming a woman and I am happy.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Mom met Amy Roloff from Little People, Big World. I think that is SO cool. She saw her at a hotel and just started talking with her, and Amy set down and they had a little conversation. How neat!

I am spending more time with friends and it is lovely. I started a new job tonight (cleaning a HUGE doctors office) and I quit all at the same time. It's simply too much for one person to handle. And with my strength being up and down like it is all the time. I feel ashamed for quitting but I know it's right and okay.

That's all for now. I'm tired.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Weekly Update

Tired. It's Sunday and it's been a good day. Again, church was inspiring. It was good to say 'hi' to people I know. The sky is overcast and I didn't get as much sleep as I'd have liked to so I'm drowsy. But that's okay.

Last night Mom and I went out to the Ruschs and had dinner with them and the older Ruschs. Later more people came over and we had a campfire. It's been a very pleasant week and I've had 3 days of hanging out with friends and soaking up lovely company. I'm going to work on spending more time during the week with friends and family, and less time couped up here in the house on the computer or in front of the television.

I did yoga 4 times this week and I'm shooting for 5 times a week so I'm doing pretty well. My health and physical strength is so important to me so I need to keep that up. And my eating habits need to change. I have certainly been eating bigger portions than I need. But this all takes time and discipline so I'll keep working at it.

I should have a job this week. I'm looking forward to making some money.

I spoke with Toby yesterday and it was WONDERFUL. He is doing so well and growing. I can't believe all the goals he is setting for himself and then achieving. I am more and more proud of him. I'll keep him in my prayers and continue to give his well being over to the Lord. I am still deeply in love with him and I think... it just keeps getting deeper. I love him and miss him.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mom and I drove to Dallas yesterday to pick up the last things I left in my dorm last semester. I got myt stuff and saw no one I knew. Mom and I hung out with Mark and Cynthia all afternoon and evening - it was lovely.

I went to church this morning and felt inspired to get involved there. I may sing with the Sattelite band on Wednesday nights and I want to help with Angel food whenever they distribute food, which is once a month. I am also going to take the Financial Peace class beginning in February. I am a little worried about over doing things though and tiring myself out. I may see if I can sing twice a month with Sattelite band instead of every week.

I got my room cleaned!! And it looks good. I am excited to get that big, old bed out of there and bring in a newer, smaller one. I am going to be moving the computer, et al, into my room as well. It is nice to relax and be in my room now that it's cleaned. next step is to organize the computer room and change it into a room for Jude's crib.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Try. Try Again.

I've been trying to get my upstairs clean but it's been two weeks since I started and... the place is still a mess. I attribute the procrastination to fatigue most of the time but it's still not a good excuse. There just seems to be so much that needs doing that I feel daunted! There are boxes full of books and clothes and bags that I had packed up, ready to move to Dallas. I really need t get those unpacked. I guess the best thing to do is start with one, small project and once that's done move onto another small project.

Tomorrow I go in to get my hours for work - I hope they can use me Mondays and Thursdays. Wendesdays I watch the kids for Cecilia and Justin and they're paying me for it, which is nice. I'm also waiting to hear from Mrs. Connelly about Bryan Market Place or Sprout. I would love to work there 3 days a week.
So... all that said... I'm getting up off my rear right now and starting one of those small projects upstairs.

Done & Done.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

To Beginnings!

Here I sit, feeling optimistic and drinking a glass of sparkling wine. My Dad and I are watching one of our favourite shows - Little People, Big World. We love having a DVR so we're able to rewind entertaining and touching scenes. Dad gets teary-eyed every time we watch ; we're believers, like the family in the show, and their faith really impacts him. Watching Discovery Channel and TLC with my Dad is one of my favourite things to do. Along with the walks we take every evening.

This afternoon I saw my doctor in Pasadena. He's impressed with my progress and upped some of my supplement dosages. I'm so excited and really encouraged as my strength is building. I can't believe the weakness of my heart (it's the main problem) but I'm glad that it can be healed.
All this has really caused me to trust in my Savior. I know that He loves me and doesn't think that I am weak, no matter how irritated I get with myself. I also know that He created me and knows each bit of my anatomy. I'm learning to throw my anxiety and worry on Him, because He wants me to. I'm feeling better.