Sunday, November 20, 2011

good person

i realize i am a.w.e.s.o.m.e.

       end of story.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

bad person

i realize i am selfish.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

my day-plan

  1. bootycall - farkling
  2. breakfast - banana protein pancake
  3. geology class - test review!
  4. Snack - Lunabar
  5. Come home - study butt off for philosophy
  6. Lunch - salmon and salad
  7. Take 2 philosophy quizzes
  8. Workout - new TIU stairs
  9. Break - clean living room, do dishes, do laundry, clean restrooms
  10. Study for philosophy mid term

This is how most of my days look right now. Just different subjects each day. I can do this!! Sometimes it's difficult to keep my spirits up when I'm tired or hungry or I just want a break. I'm been in college courses since Winter of '09. It's intense. I'm working hard and I'm more proud of myself then I think I've ever been.

I figured out that if I play a little guitar everyday it helps me clear my mind before studying. A little creative-release? I really should have tried out for American Idol again this year. But I think the most important thing right now is taking care of school, showing my husband that I care about our financial future and graduating as soon as possible so that we can start a family. We both really want a child but we're trying to wait til my last semester of college. :)

Have a great Wednesday.

PS. It's THIS guy's birthday!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Short-term Goal

Now that the Fall Challenge has ended I feel like I need a new goal and I came up with one yesterday. It is PERFECT.

Mine and Drew's one year anniversary is coming up in just over a month. We are planning on spending a night out having dinner at a gorgeous restaurant, drinks at a classy club and staying the night at a beautiful hotel in downtown Houston.

Because I am not 100% satisfied with my health and body I know that if I don't do something about it I won't feel 100% on my one year anniversary and I do NOT want that. Therefore my goal is....

* To lose 10 lbs
And I mean to REALLY lose 10 lbs so that when my body weight fluctuates I'm still 10 lbs lighter than I am now.

*Lose 2 inches everywhere but my neck
Because I CAN lose 2 inches everywhere but my neck.

*Drop one pants size
I can't weight to be a true 6 again. I used to be a 4! And that's when I felt best.

There you have it. Those are my goals! And I'm going to use my Tone It Up nutrition plan to make these dreams a reality.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

wicky, wicky weekend.

I've has such a fantastic weekend! My Mom drove down from the good ole' CS on Friday evening and she is still here! She's heading back home this afternoon.

We had a lovely Italian dinner together on Friday evening with a glass of cab. sauv. each and simply chatted about everything we love.

Yesterday we spent FOUR hours in Whole Foods on Kirby taking in all of our favourite things! Anything organic, all natural and hippie-like will catch our eye.  Mom even got to chatting with a man interested in juice fasting and gave him all sorts of tips and recipes. It was fun watching her explain with so much enthusiasm.

Today we're sitting at the kitchen table sharing healthy recipes and drinking coffee our favourite way: BLACK.  :D Yes, I've been blessed with a lovely weekend. I'm ready for the week!