Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The World Around You

Lately "compassion" has been on my mind. And "love". Compassionate Love??? All the election talk & negativity that comes with debates has got me in a funk about humanity - aren't we more than arguments & opinions? My sis-in-law posted a picture on Facebook this morning & it described what I believe we should all live by: Do Not Judge. "You don't know what storm I've asked her to walk through."

Whether you have a faith you follow or not, it is still true that people are forced to walk through "storms" that affect them mentally, physically, spiritually... Shouldn't we be compassionate & unassuming when we have no idea what someone has experienced?

I'm going to practice compassion today.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing those thoughts, Prom! We all need to be reminded of what is important!!
