Friday, October 15, 2010



Drew & I have been living on a very tight budget for the last few months.

We both once had very well-paying jobs on Westheimer waiting tables at two 5-star restaurants.  In September Drew began student teaching (his last hurdle before graduation) and it seriously takes up all of his time: he leaves at 7:30 in the morning and usually isn't home until 5:00. There was simply no way he could continue serving at a restaurant that was over an hour's drive from our home.  Thus, Drew gave his two weeks notice.

Then there's little ole' me. I did not enjoy my job as a server from, well let's see... minus day 1. Being a server is not my cup of tea; it really puts me out of my comfort zone having to talk to strangers all night long and, I hate to use strong words, but I hate working nights. Despite all of this, I pushed myself because I was making good money and knew we needed it. BUT, a few months ago I got so completely and utterly depressed that I couldn't even make myself get out of bed somedays. (side note: I've dealt with depression since I was 11 and there are certain things that really trigger it plus life has just been extra-stessful lately). I went home to CStat for awhile hoping it would help but circumstances seemed to get even worse upon my return to Houston. I literally couldn't go on in that state; Drew was extremely worried about me and would stay home from work some days. We tried to narrow everything down; looking for the biggest stress causers. We came up with a list:
  1. The restaurant - it was 1 and 1/2 hours from home.
  2. I usually got off work around midnight, then I had to drive 1 and 1/2 hours home... this had me constantly tired the next day.
  3. TRAFFIC. I am pretty much a small-town girl and every time I get in the car here I am instantly stressed. My chest tightens up and I can't breathe right! It's stupid and crazy but that's the reality of it.
  4. Because of being up so late every night, I had no energy, constantly had colds and was not able to workout. I NEED to workout to feel good about myself and to have energy and strength. This was a big problem.
  5. I was starting Fall classes and the thought of having to study, work so far away, go to class and deal with traffic was like impending doom!
So, those were the biggest causes. Drew told me he thought I needed to quit my job and find one nearer to home. So I did. And oh my gosh! Life is so much better. It is still stressful but I workout almost every morning, I have a little me time each day, I work 3 minutes from home and I have time to focus on homework and class. God is SO good.

Oh yeah, I started out this blog talking about money. Well, the job I now have doesn't pay the best and Drew is making absolutely no money as he is a student teacher. It's hard, we don't get to go out much and when I see cute clothes or a purse or a new CD I want... I usually can't purchase it. But each day I think about the new life we'll have after we're married - living in Mississippi, our own little house to take care of, two new jobs, and slightly more money than we have now. Haha. I just keep hanging on and reminding myself that all of the things I want now will just have to wait and that patience is a virtue. And I do believe it pays off. ;)


  1. Promise, you are such a smart cookie. I have never read your blog before, and I really enjoyed it. You are so very right about it paying off in the long run. There will be a time that everything will fall in to place. I totally understand all you wrote about (including the traffic~1 1/2 is WAY too far). I am glad you found a way to alleviate some of your stress. Marriage is stressful time, planning, money, and getting to know your spouse ~ you have plenty without adding a long commute.
    I also know all about being frugal with my spending. It does pay off! It's not always fun but in the end you will be so much happier than if you were irresponsible.
    I am so happy for you and all you are about to start in your life. You are on the right track for sure.

  2. Thank you, Denise.
    I'm glad you enjoyed reading. It's nice to have a place to get all my thoughts out. Less personal thoughts of course... that's what diaries are for... but I do enjoy feeling like SOMEONE might be "listening". And every now and then someone is. :) Like you.

    It's also really nice to hear that someone understands. Thanks for the encouragement.
