Sunday, November 6, 2011

wicky, wicky weekend.

I've has such a fantastic weekend! My Mom drove down from the good ole' CS on Friday evening and she is still here! She's heading back home this afternoon.

We had a lovely Italian dinner together on Friday evening with a glass of cab. sauv. each and simply chatted about everything we love.

Yesterday we spent FOUR hours in Whole Foods on Kirby taking in all of our favourite things! Anything organic, all natural and hippie-like will catch our eye.  Mom even got to chatting with a man interested in juice fasting and gave him all sorts of tips and recipes. It was fun watching her explain with so much enthusiasm.

Today we're sitting at the kitchen table sharing healthy recipes and drinking coffee our favourite way: BLACK.  :D Yes, I've been blessed with a lovely weekend. I'm ready for the week!


  1. I had so so so much fun! Loved our Whole Foods trip...that store just sucks me in for hours! LOL! Sure had fun getting the new recipes from you and bought the ingredients today so tomorrow is Slim Down Protein Pancakes....YAY! Love you much! VERY much!

  2. You should ask Dad for the diet plan for Christmas.
