Monday, October 17, 2011


It would seem I'm getting things under control.

I've come up with a chore list that I use everyday.  I have one BIG chore to take care of one day each week. i.e. clean the bathrooms, floors, detail kitchen, laundry, etc.) and there are certain things I just do everyday, no matter what; like dishes.  Who wants to walk into a kitchen with a sink full of nasty looking, dirty dishes??? Not me! So I try to do those everyday, anytime there are dishes in the sink.

I've also been doing really well in geology and philosophy and I'm about to add 2 late start classes to my load.  It'll be time consuming but I just have to keep a positive attitude and things will more than likely work out well.  We'll see how it goes. Here's to tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

a little encouragement from LACEY PAIGE

A few words from a friend.

"I had one of those weeks last week too! I have 2 kids, a 3 year old and a 9 year old that has adhd, mood disorder, odd and anxiety (being watched for bipolar) so it usually means I need a "break" from life. I find that taking space or a break from whatever is currently going on and being able to enjoy some sort of quite time and read a book or watch a good movie always helps. Getting some quality "me" time to revive and recharge my inner soul (sounds super cheesey, I know) but to also take a step back and look into my own life and reflect on everything I am doing and why I am doing it, who I am doing it for and the goals I am trying to reach. Sometimes I get so caught up in life and forget the purpose of everything going on. This is one of the main reasons I started going to the gym every morning and really focusing on health- I am always doing something for my family that I wasn't taking care of myself and one day I was really sick and couldn't tend to my kids and no one was there to take care of me (my husband works) I thought to myself 'what if I was to get really ill because I didn't take care of myself? Who would take care of my family or me?' From then on I changed my lifestyle and wanted to be healthy and part of being healthy, aside from food and exercise, is putting everything down and taking time to yourself and doing something you truly enjoy.- sorry for rambling and hopefully if makes a little sense :)"


Almond milk.
Carry-on bags.
Water bottles.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


I'm searching for what inspires me to live a better life. I know a few things like my husband, my future children and my own self confidence keep me going but I need to find what it is I want to DO with my life. I'm in college but I feel that I only do it to make my parents, my grandmother and my husband proud. Every now and then I genuinely enjoy class or the subjects I'm studying but everyday when I come home I think about the fact that I'm not passionate about any of it. So what do I need to change in order to be passionate about a career?

I definitely want a career. I want something that is personal to me; something that is my very own and that I can be PROUD of.  I LOVE learning about nutrition and working out and I love helping people to achieve their goals. People come to me with questions about exercise and if I don't know the answer I find it for them. Should I be a nutritionist or a speech pathologist??? A veterinarian or a business owner?  Those are the 4 things I am stuck on. I've got to do some serious praying. I know God will give me peace about one of them and when he does I'll begin pursuing it. Until then I will continue the college classes I'm in.

Someday I'll soar...